Checkout 51

About a year ago I discovered an app called Checkout 51.  I didn’t know anything about it, but I installed it on my phone anyway.  When I opened the app I was even more curious as I was presented with a list of products, each with a deal attached to them.  If I bought rice krispies in the next week the app would give me $1, if I paid with Visa they would give me another $1 and if I bought any of the other things they would simply keep adding to my payout.  According to the app I would be able to request a cheque when I hit $20.  All you had to do was take photos of your receipt after you made the purchases and then your account would automatically be credited.

I admit, I was somewhat suspicious of it at first, though I began uploading receipts and saw my total growing.  I couldn’t help but wonder if when that magical $20 mark was hit the app would spontaneously combust or reset, citing a glitch, and leaving me with lots of receipt photos, but no cheque.  Well, the time came and went and my total sat at $25.25.  I decided I had to face the fear and timidly tapped the “Request Cheque” button.  Another window opened, I entered my address, I received a confirmation email, and then I waited.  I began to think it was all just a façade, that nothing would arrive in my mailbox, but then I received another email, this time telling me that my cheque had been put in the mail.  Could this be true?  A week later I held the cheque in my hand, took it to the bank, and became a huge fan of Checkout 51.

Every week there are new deals and if I plan to purchase those items anyway I gladly upload my receipt and watch my total climb.  My only caution with the app is, like with all coupons or deals, if you don’t need the product, don’t buy it!  Even though it’s a great deal, if  you won’t use the product it’s a pointless buy.  The best part about Checkout 51 is that you are still able to use your own coupons in combination with it.  For example, this past week I had a buy one get one free coupon for any Degree Deodorant.  I was planning to buy deodorant anyway, so it was great timing!  It got even better when Degree Deodorant appeared in this week’s list of products – buy two and get $2 back.  I grabbed my two deodorants, priced at $2.97 each, and went to the till with all my groceries.  As the coupon promised I got one of the two free (yay!!!), but I then uploaded my receipt and when the confirmation arrived I had $2 more of a discount!  To me, paying only 48.5 cents for a stick of deodorant is exciting, and it all worked out because of Checkout 51!

I can’t wait until I can hit that “Request Cheque” button again and add the payout to my fun money fund!